Being a reader was always in my cards, I just didn’t know it. I was openly reading and channeling family and friends for a couple of years after moving back to Omaha in 2014. I became aware I needed something to help steer and direct the downloading for a clearer interpretation. A search started and with out realizing, the Gypsy Oracle deck found its way into my wicker shopping basket at the Omaha Conjure Shop on an oils and candle shopping trip in 2018. The fascinating part is every move I made with the cards felt like a ‘guess’ and this was the most curious game of chance that entered my life. Every ‘guess’ was correct, over and over and over creating confidence in my new found ability and consistent validation for my clients. So much magic is layered in these cards with a different meaning for every person I have the pleasure of exchanging energy with. My reading practice is always evolving and changing, after utilizing the cards for a few years, coins entered the experience and haven’t left. I also utilize other oracle and tarot decks for clarification in sessions too. Let’s sit and shuffle together!
-Andrea Dunn